“Did you read about that new workout? I’m going to try it right now.”
I didn’t read about the new celebrity workout nor do I plan on doing so. I don’t care about the newest workout. I don’t want to read about it nor do I want you to waste an hour of my time by telling me about it. I don’t care for new and flashy workouts.
Here’s a newsflash for you: fitness magazines are completely ruining your plans to get in shape and feel on top of the world. Kettlebell Rebels is all about breaking typical fitness rules to treat the world like your own personal gym.
We all have a friend that’s always chasing the newest workout program. They always have a catchy name for their exercises. They’re always inspired by some millionaire celebrity. The only thing that this friend is missing is results.
[Check out our Anti-Fitness-Routine Blueprint to finally find a program that you can stick to and feel on top of the world within two weeks.]
Why is there so much useless information out there in fitness magazines?
I’m a fan of simplicity. Why complicate things in life?
Fitness magazines do NOT agree with this philosophy for the obvious reason that they must keep on releasing monthly magazines that you buy. If there wasn’t a new secret workout every single month, they just wouldn’t make any sales. They need to send you a “top-secret” training program so that you renew your subscription or pick up a copy at the mall.
Fitness magazines are all about money and not what’s best for you.
What’s this crap? What’s this information offered in fitness magazines?
You see it all of the time I bet.
We never challenge or question anything. We accept information that’s passed along to us and then we spread it like gospel. It just never ends. It’s a horrible cycle. It never ends.
That trainee will then pass the useless information along to someone else. Fitness magazines always have a brand new secret to share with you.
What are these usual scams?
- New foods that lead to an 8-pack by dinner.
- Super-secret ab exercises.
- The most explosive bicep routine to gain 1-inch by next week.
- What random celebrity is doing to get in shape.
- How useless socialite Jane get the best body at 40.
- Bla bla bla.
Who the hell cares?
Sadly, the readers of these magazines. There’s billions of dollars in the fitness industry.
How do fitness magazines hurt your fitness-related goals?
Let’s list the reasons that came to me:
- Program jumping.
- Always looking for a new workout.
- Relying on untested strategies.
- Performing useless exercises.
- Trying an unrealistic eating habit.
Sound familiar?
Why do fitness magazines lie to you so much?
Why else? If you had all of the answers or enough of the right answers to make some progress, you would stop buying magazines.
What can you do right now to see results?
Something you already know you should be doing.
- Jog in the morning instead of donuts.
- Not drinking often.
- Cutting out the sugar.
You can read about five quick wins to see results by next weekend or you can do any of the following:
- Work on cutting out one horrible food from your diet.
- Try to set a new pushup record.
- Find a workout buddy to train with so that you never lose motivation or miss another workout again.
You’re already ahead of the game. No secrets needed for you.
Please stop wasting your money on fitness magazines. They’re not going to help you see any results. You’re only going to feel lighter in your wallet.
“You wanna be afraid, really afraid, take a look at what your life’ll look like not if you try and fail… but if you keep on keeping on for decades. That’s the real nightmare scenario for most people.” – Jonathan Fields