How-to Boost Your Testosterone to Feel Like The Incredible Hulk

Isn’t it the worst when you’re feeling sluggish and you lack any motivation to do anything?

We all want to feel on top of the world, be happy, and be ready to conquer anything that comes out way. We also want to feel full of energy. This is tough if you have low testosterone with no drive towards life.

I’m going to show you how you can boost your testosterone naturally so that you can have more motivation than ever and always leave your partners smiling because life’s better when you’re feeling your absolute best.

how to boost your testosterone naturally

“People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive.” — Joseph Campbell

What’s the deal with testosterone?

Do you ever see a co-worker or friend who looks chronically fatigued and lazy? This could be due to having low levels of testosterone.

Here’s what low testosterone levels do to you according to Health Line:

  • You have a low sex drive.
  • Difficulty with getting an erection.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hair loss.
  • Less muscle mass.
  • Constantly in a crappy mood.

Nobody wants to have a low sex drive. No dude wants to feel lazy. Nobody wants to walk around being tired all of the time. Nobody wants to be afraid of everything.

What’s life without some great sex and feeling like a man?

What are the benefits of high testosterone?

  • Increased confidence.
  • More muscle mass.
  • Strong erections and a healthy libido.

Those are just the main benefits of high testosterone that I wanted to share. You can read up on more here.

Imagine having high testosterone? Imagine always feeling your best? Let’s make it happen!

How do you boost your testosterone and feel like an animal?

When I feel slightly down or when I want to change something up, I go to this cheat sheet and work on something, one thing, any thing, to get my feeling like an animal again.

This is directly from the book, Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha, along with my thoughts. You can check out the homepage of the author of this book, John Romaniello, at Roman Fitness Systems (highly recommended).

These are the tips that Romaniello shares for boosting your testosterone naturally:

  • Lift heavy weights.
  • Do intervals.
  • Do sprints and work your lower body.
  • Supplement with Vitamin D (at least 300 IU/day).
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Take zinc.
  • Sleep more than six hours per night.
  • More protein.
  • Squats and deadlifts.
  • Fish oil.
  • No overtraining.
  • Eat eggs.
  • Add fat from animals/dairy to your diet.

I know that it sounds like a lot. You don’t have to add everything to your lifestyle at once. You don’t have to change everything up at once. Just keep in mind that this is the list to consult when you want to find natural ways to feel better.

Don’t stress if this all feels overwhelming. It’s a slow journey. A wild journey. A journey that helps you feel alive on those early morning workouts and those late night sessions where you’re pleasing a young lady.

We have even more tips to help you feel like Hulk!

I looked out for more tips. This great article over at Jason Ferruggia mentions the following points:

  • Keep your workouts short/intense.
  • Run sprints.
  • Sleep 8 hours per night.
  • Kill stress.
  • Eat lots of healthy fats.

Once again, everything on this list is natural and totally possible for you to accomplish. Don’t act like you can’t sneak in another few hours of sleep.

What can I buy right now to help boost testosterone?

I would start off with healthy fats (coconut oil/almond butter) and Vitamin D. We need some good ol’ D especially now that it’s winter in most of the world.

I love loading up on healthy fats. I always grab almonds, almond butter, and coconut oil. I add this to my high protein meals and it helps me feel damn amazing. It turns out that my testosterone is also being boosted at the same time. You really can’t go wrong.

You can also buy Zinc. It’s usually fairly inexpensive and a $10 bottle can last months. That’s the price of a beer on some nights out. So don’t tell me that you can’t afford it. Just remember to take Zinc with food because you don’t want to take this when you’re running on empty.

Of course, you should also consult with your Doctor prior to taking any supplements that you’re not totally sure of.

How can I feel like The Incredible Hulk?

We have a challenge for you.

Try to implement 1-3 of these ideas into your life for the next three weeks.

I would much rather try one new thing at a time than try 20 new things. Why? Because that one new thing will get all of your focus and energy.

Instead of throwing out theory, I’ll share how I’ve added the tips to my life:

  • I only focus on the main lifts: squats, deadlifts, and bench. I do this first and then perform other exercises if I have time.
  • I try to sleep more by spending less time on USELESS stuff (watching porn, going on Facebook, and so on).
  • I take Vitamin D and Zinc. It’s really cheap and helps me feel better. Totally worth it.
  • I attend a grappling class or a conditioning class where we finish off with sprints.
  • I buy more healthy fats when I do my groceries (almonds, almond butter, and coconut oil).
  • I always try to eat protein. Lots of protein.
  • I cut out stress by not getting involved in stressful activities (hanging out with the wrong crowd).

You’ll be surprised by the huge impact that will come from small changes.

If you’re not seeing any results, then you either have to become more extreme or just wait. Your mood won’t change over night.

What are some easy wins?

  • Taking vitamin D in the morning.
  • Focusing on squats.
  • Sleeping more.

You can start off with these three tips.


If you can’t get it up, always feel tired, or just don’t feel like a man, I guarantee you that the tips above will help you. As I slowly apply these tips to my life, I feel more on top of the world as everyday goes by.

Are you going to become a pounding machine or will you be a little bitch? It’s your move.

“My goal has always been to help people help themselves. Your body is your most priceless possession; you’ve go to take care of it!” – Jack Lalanne

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